Tuesday, 30 August 2011

Boscombe Art and Craft Bazaar and Vintage Market

Quit a mouthful!

This week I am busy getting ready for the Art and Craft Bazaar in Boscombe this Saturday. I hope you can come and support the independent makers and vintage collectors there.
It is combining with Victorian Day in Boscombe so there will be activities and events planned by the Council too.
Details below...sees you there!

Now to find something to wear...

Saturday, 27 August 2011

Fringe Benefits

Against all better judgement I have attacked my own fringe. Every time I go to my hairdressers I say the same thing: please give me a thick blunt fringe. What do I get: a whispy graduated fringe!
I have taken matters into my own hands, obviously £45 isn't enough money to get the haircut you actually want.
I loves it!
Here I am sporting one of my elasticated headscarves (more of them below), and a new (old) cardigan that I bought yesterday for £3.00 at the Charity shop. I am actually in my pjs...but don't tell anyone!

This morning I took some photos of the latest work I have been producing for the Boscombe Art and Craft Bazaar and the It's All Been Done Before Vintage Festival, both in September. Both of which I am buzzing about, getting my stall ready for it's debut proper...nervous too. Make sure you come down and support me with hugs!
Below: elasticated headscarved, earrings, bracelet and brooch - all from second hand and RE:Loved fabrics.

This weekend is all about -
  • making more of the same: stocking up on product whith whatever time I have!
  • dressing up in my NEW vintage finds from the Charity shops (yes I have even more)
  • working in my Art Journal (maybe post some pictures of this next week)
  • hanging out with Olivia - maybe a beach picnic with a hot flask of tea (its a bit windy down there)
  • plus an old, old friend has a plan to come and visit...but I will only believe it when I see her. Fingers crossed!

What are you up to?

Me x

Wednesday, 24 August 2011

Charity Shoppee!

Olivia is with her Dad for the day. What better thing to do than to go Charity Shopping. OF COURSE it was meant to be for fabrics for my work (more later about my involvment with the Boscombe Art and Craft Bazaar)...but it turned into a day to shop for Meeee!

Sometimes I go Charity Shopping and find NADA, and then...there are the sweet magical times when things are flying off the racks shouting 'Take me home!' Well, that is what they say to me anyhoo.

Sharing the joy here, as I hope it will encourage more people to get out there and rummage. I find it thrilling to say the least when I find something beautiful, my heart literally raced today when I found an old cigar box full of black and white photos and old postcards...sweet! Similarly my heart skipped a beat when I found an 80s Chelsea Girl dress...oh joy!

First up, the dresses I found:

Clockwise from top left:
M&S dress - £3.00
80s Dorothy Perkins dress - £1.00
Unidentified red number (not sure about this one) - £1.00
Unidentified Khaki number (for work probs) - £1.00

And some more:

Clockwise from top left:
80s Chelsea Girl dress (can't see detail but it is sooo pretty with belt and little turned cap sleeves) - £3.50
Zara tiny cress (need to be a tad thinner for this one me thinks!) - £1.00
Unidentified black tunic (for work) - £1.00
My outfit today - Dress Primark sale £5.00, Cardi - old Charity purchase with new buttons (all different colours), Asda shoes (again) - £4.00

And some Top Tops:

Left to right:
Polka Dot Banana Republic - for work £1.50
Next vest top - for travelling £1.00
Vintage Gap Tee (cute print) - £1.00
Wallis Blue wide neck top - £1.00

In total I spent £30, and there is more than photographed here; some 5 pairs of earrings and a bunch of bangles as well as one top which won't slide up my chubby arms (Grr). Oh, and 2 polka-dot ties that I actually WILL make into something for the Bazaar. So there you go, I spent one out of thirty pounds on what I set out to...sigh, I wonder if I can wear ALL my dresses to bed tonight!

I did plan to do loads of other stuff today but I think I'm gonna head out on my bike for a ride to the beach. Love me x

Monday, 22 August 2011

Working on new stuff...

I haven't posted anything in ages init!
I have been reading a whole lotta blogs tho'. Other than that I have been putting a lot of effort into all things creative. And as it happens I will have more time next academic year as I am going back to part time hours. I am really excited about this as I really want to make a go of my Textiles and Art stuffs.
I have had lots of interest in my work this summer, and am just taking time to find the right outlets/ initiatives to get involved in that best suit me and my lovely makings.

Here are some pictures of me working on some head scarves in my 'studio'...a corner of my dining room.

And some pictures of my busy busy workspace! Which looks kinda calm and tidy here...

My poor old Janome, it takes more abuse off me than anyone or anything.

Here is a picture of the finished Headscarves - made with the help of a tutorial via
SayyestoHaboken's blog...maybe one day when I know how to link stuff in, I can give her props! (Update...I did it!)

What are you wearing?
I thought I would post some pictures of my outfits occasionally. I have always found people comment on the clothes I wear, they want to tell me I look nice or ask me where I got something, so here I is:
Dress - Primark £6.00
Short sleeved cardi - Charity shop £1.99
Shoes - Asda £4.00
Head band - made it myself!

I am the bargain hunt Queen! More sooner x

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